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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Progress update on the mill

Hi everyone, Sorry about not posting in a while. We have made headway on the old mill. Next week the guys moving the mill will begin putting it up on the equipment that is needed to move it. So I'm guessing in another week it will begin its journey to its new home about a mile and half down the road. I sure hope that it will make it! I will make sure to take pics of the move. Inside you will see a Huge wooden grain hopper...hmmmm what could we do with this, we will certainly come up with something. Its a keeper. You can see inside on the main floor what it looks like. The upstairs has taller ceiling. All I do is dream of how I am going to decorate 4 floors. Anyways, speaking of decorating, I did just that in our gathering room. The wool is selling like crazy! I am just loving this new venture in rug hooking. I cant wait to show you all my newest designed 2x3 rug. I dont know if I mentioned to you that I am going to Vermont the end of next month to have classes taught by Amy Oxford for a Teachers Certificate for punch needle hooking. You can use wool strips or wool yarn in the punch needle. And also end of March we will find out if our Rug hooking retreat is a go or not. So as you can see Ive been planning and sceaming for some big ventures. The rug hooking retreat plans are that we will be open year round to rug hookers, scrap booking, wool applique, needlepoint, or any other crafts you may want to do here. We will start by housing up to 16 beds and eventually hold up to 25 women. This is a big house. Sitting on 67 acres. Plans are to also have one of our sheds as the wool dying shed. Anyone can come to dye wool of their own here too. Anyways, I have my fingers crossed. Well thats enough ramblings today. Hope that you all have a wonderful day. Blessings to all.



How exciting! I know exactly the feeling you have with the project on your mill! We also did extensive remodeling on the building that my shop sits on which was originally the "Oakdale Pharmacy" established in 1892. But in 2004, we purchased the old "Oakdale Feed Mill" that sits just behind the shop. The inside is the neatest thing you would ever want to see with its' 3-1/2 stories! It too had an old grain hopper, but we did take it out, wish now we had not! We were flooded in 2004 just months after we purchased the mill, and we had damaged to both the buildings! Thus the reason, plus the economy, that we have not done anything on the old mill yet! Hoping someday!

Good luck in your venture! I will definitely be following your progress! Again, how exciting!

Unknown said...

So happy to see the update. Wow it is about ready to move. I never thought about you moving it all in one piece.
I figured it was being dismantled and than re constructed. Shows how much I know. Sounds like wonderful plans for the future.
I'll keep watching to see how it goes.

My Colonial Home said...

Oh my Theresa, what an undertaking - and what a gorgeous mill - I can just imagine how beautiful it will be when all finished.
I kind of have a minds eye for something - I really, really see it in my head and I know you do too.

I'm anxious to see just when your classes will start and hopefully I will be able to attend at least one of them. It's quite a drive for me but well worth it.

I'm so happy the WOOL is selling for you - I knew it would. Not many places carry good wool if any.

Take care,

A Primitive Homestead said...

What an adventure. Your living a dream. This is so cool. I love old mills & cabins. I visited an old mill last summer. I thought at the time how cool it would be to fix it up & live in it. My ducks swimmimg in the water under the water wheel. I did a post on it. Good luck & dreams come true for you. Blessings! Lara

Julia said...

I hope that your dream comes true and that you will be happy with the result. It all sounds good to me.
Wishing you good fortune. JB