Welcome to my blog

Postings of found treasures big and small. Please remember that I can ship reasonably sized items if interested in purchasing. Any questions feel free to contact me at www.yoretheresa@gmail.com

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Good morning to all, hope the sun decides to come out today. Im staying home trying to get caught up on much needed house work. Still have a little inventory to count in our back storage room. Off to trade shows next several days for more goodies for store. Ill try to make our store a bit more spring. I am tired of winter already. Looking forward to this years plans and adventures. Hope that you too have a great new year. I took this pic of the area inside my store that shows the rug hooking wool yarns and wool fabric for rug hooking. Meeting lots of wonderful rug hookers already. What an addicting art! Have a great day.


Heather said...

Hello there, I just came across your blog and became a follower, you have some great things and idea's, thanks for sharing and stop by sometime to visit me!

My Colonial Home said...

Good Morning,
I just found your blog through your PictureTrail and OMGosh I'm in heaven.

I live in Southeast Wisconsin and have heard of your shop but just never made the venture. Cousins of ours told us about you last summer and RAVED about the shop and said WE MUST GET THERE...so now we're going to come up on Thursday!

I CAN'T WAIT....and I see you have Rug Hooking supplies in (or at least coming in)...I AM NEW TO 'HOOKING' and have a couple pieces started and need filler wool - I'm using strips I alreaady had from other projects and am SHORT ON THEM...so hopefully you have something I can use! Please oh please have some....lol

Whew, that was long winded...but just want to say HI...I will follow your blog deligently.

Come check out my blog and my website sometime.
