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Postings of found treasures big and small. Please remember that I can ship reasonably sized items if interested in purchasing. Any questions feel free to contact me at www.yoretheresa@gmail.com

Monday, August 2, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, hard to believe its August already. Days seem to go faster as you get older don't they? Ive been busy painting and gussying up our house to put it on the market for sale. Im ready to down size as my husband is also. Hopefully we can build the saltbox house of my dreams in a smaller version. Anyway I took a few pics of my partially deocrated laundry room, and a few finds of the day. Oh and a pic of under my stepback cupboard that I rearranged. The goldenrod are all blooming now which reminds me fall is just around the corner. Getting ready for our Fall open house and Fall tour of homes . Lots to do and then after that its getting ready for Christmas. This is such a busy time of the year for me. You'd think that all the running around that I do , I would loose a few pounds , Oh well, More to squeeze. Hope that you all are enjoying your summer. Take care.


higglerswagon said...

Love the Laundry Room! Very Cute.
Gussying up to sell is a lot of work yet building your dream house is exciting. Imagine all the fun you will have decorating! Best of luck on all counts.

Linda W. said...

We are planning to build too in the next 2 to 3 years. Wish I could just have you decorate my new house since I love how you have done yours.