Welcome to my blog

Postings of found treasures big and small. Please remember that I can ship reasonably sized items if interested in purchasing. Any questions feel free to contact me at www.yoretheresa@gmail.com

Monday, April 19, 2010

Peek into my sitting room

Hi folks, Hope everyone is enjoying this weather. Ive been busy on the road for the past several weeks bringing back a load of neat, wonderful things each time. Lots of new stuff arriving daily. I will try to take some pics soon. A few times I thought that I would take a pic of a new piece and then someone bought it. Good for me. I think the economy is picking up, lots of larger pieces of furniture going to a new home. I thought that I would share another pic of inside my sitting room in my home for now. I did a little rearraging. The horse on top of my pie safe is one of my favs. I love old wooden horses. Well I will write something more worthy later. Enjoy.