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Postings of found treasures big and small. Please remember that I can ship reasonably sized items if interested in purchasing. Any questions feel free to contact me at www.yoretheresa@gmail.com

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hi everyone, My god how time flies! Sorry its been so long since my last post. Have been extremely busy these past few months. Just thought Id update on whats been happening. For one the Retreat house is going very well. Meeting some wonderful talented women working on their projects here. We are just now starting to work on the mill. The roof is going to be on hopefully before winter. I will get some new pics to show when that starts happening. We are going to have our Christmas open house Saturday October 29th. Hope you can make it. Lots of nice items to choose from. I am almost done hooking my large rug! Yeah! It has taken 3 months to do. Just because so many other things going on. I will post it when done. I designed it also. Any one interested in having a rug hooking lesson taught on Deer hunters weekend let me know. I am considering it . It would be the weekend before Thanksgiving. Call me at the store if interested. Limited to 10 people. Well thats all the ramblings for now. Its almost 11 pm and its past my bedtime. Take care.


TheCrankyCrow said...

Good to hear from you again....Glad all is well. 3 months isn't bad for working on a large rug - I'm not going to confess to how long I've been working on my current project! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Hi Theresa! I was looking through the list of followers on my blog and came across your blog so I thought I would come over here and meet you. I am your newest follower. =]

I looked through your past posts about bringing your mill to your place, wow that is incredible! How fortunate you are that #1: it made it and #2: you get to fix it up! I'm gonna be looking forward to following along on the transformation!

Nice to meet you. Have a delightful week~