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Postings of found treasures big and small. Please remember that I can ship reasonably sized items if interested in purchasing. Any questions feel free to contact me at www.yoretheresa@gmail.com

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Check out new photos of Mill Creek Settlement retreat

Good day everyone. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Just letting you know that I posted some new pics of inside Mill Creek Settlement Retreat if you would like to take a peak. Making progress little by little. http://www.millcreeksettlement.blogspot.com/ and I have been working on the website comming soon it is http://www.millcreeksettlementretreat.com/ . So if you know of any rug hookers, quilters, scrapbookers, crafters that would love to come stay please pass the word. Take care.

1 comment:

My Colonial Home said...

How beautiful...I can only hope I get to be able to join one of the retreats.